Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Sitting across from him tonight!

There he is, sitting in his favorite chair playing a video game. I am sitting on the couch eating some pizza watching an old t.v. show, thinking this is lame! After 26 years of marriage; Oh what a shame!
I am beginning to feel like the character Evelyn Couch from the movie Fried Green Tomatoes, if you know what I mean! Can you say green?




The only time he speaks an extra word is when he notices that there is food on the table, and then it is "yes dear, I know," and sometimes I even get a "yep!"
 As we eat our dinner in silence, I wonder when we lost our pep!
There he is, snoring in his favorite chair. Geese, it is so noisy since the kids went away! 
Who is this guy that I sleep next to each and every day?
 As I sit here doing my homework, munching on some chips,
 I have begun to ponder is this all that is left, I wonder?
The ceiling fan above our bed has been wobbling for about a year now, but recently, it really has begun to bug me some how!
The dinner bell rang and I asked once more,
"honey will you please have a look at that fan, I implore?"
Last night, I came home and the fan was still the same!
 I think he is purposefully trying to drive me insane! 
Last night, I ate a burrito before I went to bed 
and you would never believe the thoughts I had running through my head!
I contemplated removing a fan blade to balance it out,
and then I thought; 
oh, what if I hit him with it, just to hear him shout!



No, no that is not me! I need to embrace this new hobby!
Writing these blogs will be fun
and it is something that I can do it until the next dinner bell is wrung. 
When the kids come to visit I will ask him to keep it down.
And when he asks me why, I will say cause the kids are back in town. 

For kicks and giggles check this out! (https://youtu.be/71Ai_3_XfPA)